What You Need to Do to Your Air Conditioner Before Summer
May 3, 2021It’s been hot already this year. When the weather forecast starts predicting consecutive days of temperatures above 80, your air conditioner should be in proper condition to ensure efficiency.
If you’re not an HVAC professional, you’re probably wondering what you need to do to your AC unit before summer to make sure it keeps your home cool through summer. Making sure its condenser coils, aluminum fins, blower components, and ducts are clean is the first step. Let’s look at other use and care tips for prepping your central air unit for summer.

Air Conditioning Replacement & Heating System FAQs
April 6, 2021Young’s Home Comfort has been servicing the HVAC needs of those in the Upper Perkiomen Valley for more than a century!
We continue to help keep your home comfortable. Although routine HVAC maintenance can help prolong the life of your home’s heating and cooling units, there may come a time when you need to consider air conditioning replacement and/or an entire HVAC replacement.
Following are some frequently asked questions about HVAC replacement to help guide you should you ever find your home’s unit working insufficiently.
What Are the Benefits of An Oil Burner Tune-Up?
March 23, 2021Furnace tune-ups and inspections for any heating system can help maintain peak efficiency, no matter the season. An oil burner tune-up can help you avoid unexpected heating costs, discomfort, and could help protect your family from dangerous carbon monoxide.
Let’s look into their importance and what an oil burner tune-up entails.

How Long Does Heating Oil Last? (And How To Calculate Your Usage)
February 9, 2021A lot of homeowners use heating oil to warm their home because it is one of the most comfortable and warmest heating methods available. This means oil tanks are a common component of houses in Pennsylvania and across the USA. If using an oil furnace is new to you, you may be wondering, “How long does heating oil last?” Based on our experience serving thousands of customers over the past 130 years, the short answer is:
On average, heating oil will last 18-24 months before it may become unstable. If too much moisture gets into your tank, however, the fuel can start to break down. This also will impede combustibility.
We only and always carry the highest-grade fuel oil and test it regularly. We also provide a special additive to optimize the efficiency and cleanliness of the burners as part of our oil delivery service.
Regular maintenance and quality fuel service will ensure that your furnace runs efficiently and you’ll get the most out of your home heating system. Let’s take a look at how long you can expect your fuel delivery supply to last throughout the year.

How Can I Fix Winter Dryness in My Home?
January 26, 2021Tired of everything you touch zapping you? During winter, the air in your home can feel especially dry, and sometimes it can lead to static electricity, itchy skin, and chapped lips. It’s just uncomfortable. We offer some tips to help add humidity for home comfort.
Why Does My House Feel So Dry?
The ability of air to hold water depends on the temperature of that air. Warm air holds more moisture.
Temperature: 68 degrees = 1 kilogram of air can hold 15 g of water
Temperature: 32 degrees = 1 kilogram of air can hold 5g of water
When you heat the air inside, you increase the air’s ability to hold moisture but not the actual moisture your house contains. This is what makes winter air in the home feel so dry.
3 Big Mistakes That Can Ruin Home Heating Efficiency
December 21, 2020With snowstorms already arrived and again soon in the forecast, we pay more attention to our home heating systems. You want to make sure yours is running efficiently so you can maintain a comfortable home throughout the season (without breaking the bank!).
While a Young’s Heating & Cooling Home Comfort Plan will better ensure HVAC efficiencies, we know not all of our customers take advantage of it.
Knowing this, we at least want to warn them about some big mistakes commonly made that can threaten the efficiency of your HVAC system.

Can I Get Energy Tax Credits for Home Heating or Air Conditioning?
October 26, 2020We all spend a fairly large part of our home budgets are keeping it comfortable, so it’s important to make smart decisions about your home’s heating, air conditioning, and air quality. Everyone wants to maintain the lowest utility bills possible and energy efficiency helps make that happen.
How to Finance Your Home’s Heating or AC
First, we want to let you know that we have convenient financing options that can help you pay for a new home heating system or new air conditioning system installation. Payment options are available to fit your budget.
Energy-Saving Tips for Your Home this Fall
September 21, 2020There are several simple energy-saving (and money-saving) things you can do this fall to help you save on your energy bills.
Unseen Dirt is Costing You Money
Dirty air filters in your home’s HVAC system makes it work harder and use more energy. Your system’s filters might be in the duct system or in the equipment. Have a technician from Young’s Home Comfort inspect your system before winter to ensure your HVAC is in working order and all filters are clean or replaced to maximize efficiency.
Air filters should be changed every 3 months. Clean filters will help keep dust particles from accumulating in your home’s heating and cooling system, which can lead to expensive repairs or maintenance issues.
Autumn is a good time to wipe clean your ceiling fan blades so any of that dust is eliminated and not recirculated. Once fall temperatures begin to drop significantly, switch the direction of your ceiling fans so that they’re pushing warm air down for the winter.

Things You Need to Know About Oil Tank Safety
August 24, 2020If you use oil to heat your home in the winter, you probably don’t give much thought to the heating oil tank that stores the fuel. You especially aren’t thinking about it before temperatures really start to dip.
Yet it’s the perfect time to determine your oil tank safety and make sure your tank is in good condition.
We at Young’s Home Comfort think about oil tank safety year-round because our goal is to keep customers comfortable and safe. It’s why our HVAC specialists perform initial inspections on new tanks or the tanks of our new customers. We examine the integrity of your home’s fuel tank for any potential problems before we fill it with oil.
Our Ultrasonic Tank Test can determine the integrity of your oil tank and help prevent the harmful results of an oil spill or leak.